Wiyot people have lived in the Humboldt Bay region for thousands of years. The map to the right shows their traditional territory. Wiyot people lived in permanent villages along the waterways, which also served as travel and trade routes. Seasonal camps were made on the prairies, and mountainous regions provided berries, acorns, pine nuts, wild game, and basketry materials.
Wiyot people actively managed their resources, burning for open grasslands, cultivating edible bulbs, and following strict hunting and fishing protocols.
The Honor Tax is a way of recognizing and respecting the sovereignty of Native Nations, and implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
This is a "tax" out of respect for Native Sovereignty - rather than a gift or donation. We all live on traditional Native homelands. If you do not live in Wiyot territory you can initiate an Honor Tax in your community!
The Honor Tax was not in any way initiated by the Wiyot Nation, although they have formally agreed via their Tribal Council to accept the Honor Tax. The Honor Tax was initiated by individuals, organizations and businesses who want to actively recognize the sovereignty of the Wiyot tribe and their right to their traditional land.
The Honor Tax is a voluntary annual tax paid directly to the Wiyot Nation by people who are on their traditional territories. The amount is decided by the individual.
- Download the Honor Tax Form.
- Send the form along with your tax payment to:
The Wiyot Tribe
1000 Wiyot Dr.
Loleta, CA. 95551
We have no events coming up but some suggested times of year to pay your tax are:
*Duluwat Island / Indian Island Massacre - February 26
These are some suggestions but you can pay your tax any time.
“I Participate in the Wiyot Honor Tax as a way of direct reparation to the People on whose land I now live.”
-Paul Pitino (Arcata Resident)
Former Arcata City Council Member
“As a member of a neighoring Tribal Nation, I have a cultural obligation to acknowledge Wiyot homeland and pay respect to the Wiyot People for living on their traditional territories. The Honor Tax provides a way to fulfill my responsibilities as a Yurok person.”
-Christopher Peters (Yurok/Pohlik-lah)President, Seventh Generation Fund
“The Honor Tax is small compensation for the grief and loss the Wiyot people have suffered. We feel honored by the
graciousness with which they accept our presence here today and by this opportunity to contribute.”
-Dana Silvernale (Blue Lake Resident)
County Council Chair, Green Party of Humboldt County
“Our organization pays the tax because we have a commitment to justice and to honoring the sovereignty of native peoples and nations.”
-Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap (Eureka Resident) Director, Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County